I want to adjust the height of the completed retaining wall…

There are various reasons such as design changes, exterior changes, and sometimes ground subsidence.

It is possible to change the height of the retaining wall later.

As a feature

① Never peel off

②Workable from zero mm

③ Seams disappear completely

As a reason

(1) Use materials with the same coefficient of expansion as concrete (resin mortar, cross-section repair material)
After roughening the surface, use a two-liquid hardening type special bond.

(2) It is possible by making a cut in the zero mm area and securing the coating thickness.

③Complete integration with the surroundings through surface finishing polishing and painting technology.

↓ Construction scenery

before construction

Retaining wall with a length of about 15m, raised 0mm at both ends and up to 35mm at the center.

The material used this time is ALPRON HM.

(The products used here are not sold outside of Japan.)

↓ Groundwork completed

↓ Painting completed

(The products used here are not sold outside of Japan.)

You can also watch this blog on YouTube

※The products used here are not sold outside of Japan.

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